‘The Theory Of Relativity’ explained perfectly by a high school kid!!!

The Special theory of Relativity given by Albert Einstein has always been a bit absurd to understand by our three dimensional oriented mind but if I tell you that an 18 year old, Ryan Chester, explained it in the most easiest and simplest way possible in a seven minute video, would you believe me?

Yes, Ryan Chester won $250,000 by winning the inaugural ‘Breakthrough Challenge’ for his seven minute short-film which explained both the postulates as well the concept of time dilation as presented in Einstein’s work. He also won a prestigious scholarship program too. The competition witnessed 2000 applications form all over the world in the age bracket of 15 to 18 years.

Mark Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla Chan ,who also does education philanthropy, presented the award to Chester in an oscar-type ceremony which was broadcasted live on the National Geographic Channel on November 8th.

So let me now leave you with the short film he prepared. Do notice how carefully he has used various props like a mini-van, a bowl of popcorn and other things. Also share your views in the comments section if you enjoyed it!!

(Image Courtesy: Google)

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